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Corruption, public administration, civil servant, efficiency of Personnel Management, salaries of civil servants.

How to Cite

Беккайыров, Н., Бимендиева, Л., & Қуандық, Ж. (2024). THE IMPACT OF CORRUPTION ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. «МЕМЛЕКЕТТІК АУДИТ – ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АУДИТ», 63(2), 163–170. https://doi.org/10.55871/2072-9847-2024-63-2-163-170


Corruption in the public administration system poses a serious threat to the integrity of society, economic stability and effective governance. Today, the multifaceted aspects of the fight against corruption in the field of public administration are being studied. It examines strategies used to reduce corruption, including the legal framework, institutional reforms and technological advances. Kazakhstan's anti-corruption policy generally complies with international legal acts.

Traditional principles and standards adopted by the international community are considered on the basis of national policy. Corruption in Kazakhstan has increased and has covered all spheres of life and activity of society. According to international estimates, the country annually occupies a "leading position" in the rating scale according to the corruption perception index. Therefore, the need to change the main vectors in the national anti-corruption policy is due to the growing threats to national security.

Our article examines the specific signs and manifestations of corruption in the civil service, and provides a complete analysis of the causes of its occurrence. The main characteristics of corruption are systematized, the main factors provoking the formation and development of corruption in the public service are identified. The impact of the social status and remuneration of civil servants on the spread of corruption in the civil service was analyzed. The opinions of researchers on corruption in the public administration system, scientific ideas, and practical approaches to combating corruption are studied.

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