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social protection
social justice
social policy
standard of living
poverty level

How to Cite

Ракымжанова, С., & bekbenbetova Б. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN ASPECTS OF SOCIAL PROTECTION OF THE POPULATION OF KAZAKHSTAN. «МЕМЛЕКЕТТІК АУДИТ – ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АУДИТ», 63(2), 141–151. https://doi.org/10.55871/2072-9847-2024-63-2-141-151


This article examines the socio-economic foundations characterizing the standard of living, employment issues, etc., based on the economic capabilities of the country. The indicators characterizing the welfare of the population and the state of the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from 2010 to 2022 are systematized and analyzed.

Based on statistical data from official government agencies, an analysis of socio-economic indicators of the country's level of development in general, and the social sphere in particular, was carried out. The components of the social well-being of the population are identified, an analysis of its condition is carried out and possible causes of problems that hinder the improvement of the welfare of members of society are identified.

Using official statistics data for a number of years, changes in the main indicators of social protection and provision with qualitative and quantitative indicators of life (poverty level, degree of employment, the scale of the unemployed, stratification in society, etc.) of the population are analyzed. And on this basis, the trends of transformation of the social aspects of the country's economy are reasonably presented, the ambiguity of which requires increasing the social responsibility of the state in relation to more vulnerable segments of society.

The authors have analyzed the coefficients of funds and Gini over a number of years as the most important indicators characterizing the degree of uneven distribution of income by 10 and 20 percent groups of the population in society.

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